The Good Tourist
Behind the island paradises, panoramic views and historical sites there often lies a much misaligned - and tragic - story. Using her 20 year experience in the field of human rights as well as personal anecdotes and the testimonies of survivors, Lucy Popescu explores the various abuses that often go unnoticed or are carefully hidden from the tourist, from torture in the Maldives, maltreatment in the labour camps in China to execution in Iran. Inspired by the current push to offset carbon emissions, this is a practical guide to ethical holidays.
The Good Tourist reminds us that it’s the responsibility of all travellers to be aware of how our fellow human beings are treated – at home or abroad. And, as Lucy Popescu makes clear, if they’re treated badly we shouldn’t keep quiet about it. Her timely and realistic conclusion is that if you want to see the world as it really is then leave the rose-tinted spectacles at home.
The Good Tourist is a fascinating, timely and important book, you will never travel in the same way again.
In The Good Tourist: An Ethical Traveller’s Guide, the author Lucy Popescu gives a useful overview of the arguments for and against a travel boycott of Myanmar. She counsels readers to research the country before they go and recommends The River of Lost Footsteps: Histories of Burma by Thant Myint-U for its insight into the country’s past and present. On the subject of giving local people access to the outside world, Popescu advises caution, saying that local people may be “endangered” if they are seen speaking with tourists. It’s a view shared by
The Good Tourist: an ethical traveller’s guide, by Lucy Popescu
Reviewed by Judith Rodriguez
PEN Melbourne Quarterly March 2012
It is rare for a book in an accepted genre to offer an original take on the genre. Here is a travel book like no other.
For her travel book, Lucy Popescu, a PEN member of the English and Norwegian centres, has researched an unusual, but reasoned set of destinations: Australia, Maldives, South Africa, Iran, Mexico, the USA, Morocco, Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Syria, Myanmar (Burma), Turkey, Egypt, and Cuba: does that list tell you anything? To those of us who write letters in response to Rapid Action requests from Writers in Prison, it certainly does.
The foreword, written by a former PEN International president, playwright Ronald Harwood, describes how as a boy he gazed out from the South African mainland to Robben Island in the Atlantic Ocean—‘a dazzling sight, in my memory like a tray of beaten silver—a sight which invariably raised his spirits. As an adult he lost this elation. He then knew that the heroes of the fight against apartheid were imprisoned at this former leprosarium.
Here in Harwood’s words is the raison d’ĂȘtre of this book: ‘A tourist, possessed of even a modicum of sensitivity, cannot totally divorce the landscape from historical events or present circumstances.’ He surmises that the beauty of the Bavarian mountains round Hitler’s eyrie is poisoned by the knowledge of Hitler’s deeds, and goes on to refer to current governments’ abuses of power. These are often enough ignored by the international tourist who approaches foreign countries to enjoy their scenery, cultures, cuisine, and the friendship of citizens who may or may not speak of political matters and the repression of human rights.
Popescu has done her work thoroughly. Sections on the touristic offerings of the country, its history, and the state of politics and human rights that history has given rise to, are followed by What You Can Do and Recommended Reading. Yes, there’s fine writing here, and yes, it is a study book. Interesting, shocking, motivating.
We must be shamed by the just inclusion of Australia, with sections titled Red Earth,
The Stolen Generations, Terra Nullius, Outsiders Inside, A Fair Go. The situation of indigenous Australians is forcefully put, with references to the Apology of 2008, to the Little Children Are Sacred review, to the expropriation of Indigenous custodians of land and the removal of children from families. As for our dealings with refugees, Popescu, with the cooperation of Rosie Scott of PEN Sydney, follows the case of Australia’s first Writer in Prison, Ivory Coast journalist Cheikh Kone, and describes the conditions experienced by asylum seekers at various detention centres.
The fact that other countries have kept asylum seekers in indefinite stagnation or deported them back to their place of origin does not fault the book for not including them. Popescu points out that she has had to be selective among an unfortunate wealth of material; but also, the circumstances of our desert detention centres, the government’s effort to ‘export’ the whole issue off-shore or to foreign jurisdictions despite our UN-Chartered responsibilities, the inefficiency of Immigration ‘checking’, the demonstrated fatal results of deportations—all these argue the heinousness of our
treatment of the comparatively few refugees appealing for help to Australia.
Is this a negative book? No! Lucy Popescu is positively elated by her reading of the Australian books she recommends to those interested in Australia (and she makes similar forays into the literature of the other countries she treats).
Her sample bag contains Bail’s Eucalyptus, Franklin’s My Brilliant Career, Winton’s Cloudstreet, Sally Morgan’s My Place, Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda and Malouf’s Remembering Babylon—as well as films. I would be satisfied to have overseas friends approach this country guided by Popescu’s enthusiasm for its finest aspects as well as her opening up of the issues we must face, the injustice we must redress.
The Myanmar Debate: The National
The Good Tourist is a fascinating, timely and important book, you will never travel in the same way again.
In The Good Tourist: An Ethical Traveller’s Guide, the author Lucy Popescu gives a useful overview of the arguments for and against a travel boycott of Myanmar. She counsels readers to research the country before they go and recommends The River of Lost Footsteps: Histories of Burma by Thant Myint-U for its insight into the country’s past and present. On the subject of giving local people access to the outside world, Popescu advises caution, saying that local people may be “endangered” if they are seen speaking with tourists. It’s a view shared by
The Good Tourist: an ethical traveller’s guide, by Lucy Popescu
Reviewed by Judith Rodriguez
PEN Melbourne Quarterly March 2012
It is rare for a book in an accepted genre to offer an original take on the genre. Here is a travel book like no other.
For her travel book, Lucy Popescu, a PEN member of the English and Norwegian centres, has researched an unusual, but reasoned set of destinations: Australia, Maldives, South Africa, Iran, Mexico, the USA, Morocco, Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Syria, Myanmar (Burma), Turkey, Egypt, and Cuba: does that list tell you anything? To those of us who write letters in response to Rapid Action requests from Writers in Prison, it certainly does.
The foreword, written by a former PEN International president, playwright Ronald Harwood, describes how as a boy he gazed out from the South African mainland to Robben Island in the Atlantic Ocean—‘a dazzling sight, in my memory like a tray of beaten silver—a sight which invariably raised his spirits. As an adult he lost this elation. He then knew that the heroes of the fight against apartheid were imprisoned at this former leprosarium.
Here in Harwood’s words is the raison d’ĂȘtre of this book: ‘A tourist, possessed of even a modicum of sensitivity, cannot totally divorce the landscape from historical events or present circumstances.’ He surmises that the beauty of the Bavarian mountains round Hitler’s eyrie is poisoned by the knowledge of Hitler’s deeds, and goes on to refer to current governments’ abuses of power. These are often enough ignored by the international tourist who approaches foreign countries to enjoy their scenery, cultures, cuisine, and the friendship of citizens who may or may not speak of political matters and the repression of human rights.
Popescu has done her work thoroughly. Sections on the touristic offerings of the country, its history, and the state of politics and human rights that history has given rise to, are followed by What You Can Do and Recommended Reading. Yes, there’s fine writing here, and yes, it is a study book. Interesting, shocking, motivating.
We must be shamed by the just inclusion of Australia, with sections titled Red Earth,
The Stolen Generations, Terra Nullius, Outsiders Inside, A Fair Go. The situation of indigenous Australians is forcefully put, with references to the Apology of 2008, to the Little Children Are Sacred review, to the expropriation of Indigenous custodians of land and the removal of children from families. As for our dealings with refugees, Popescu, with the cooperation of Rosie Scott of PEN Sydney, follows the case of Australia’s first Writer in Prison, Ivory Coast journalist Cheikh Kone, and describes the conditions experienced by asylum seekers at various detention centres.
The fact that other countries have kept asylum seekers in indefinite stagnation or deported them back to their place of origin does not fault the book for not including them. Popescu points out that she has had to be selective among an unfortunate wealth of material; but also, the circumstances of our desert detention centres, the government’s effort to ‘export’ the whole issue off-shore or to foreign jurisdictions despite our UN-Chartered responsibilities, the inefficiency of Immigration ‘checking’, the demonstrated fatal results of deportations—all these argue the heinousness of our
treatment of the comparatively few refugees appealing for help to Australia.
Is this a negative book? No! Lucy Popescu is positively elated by her reading of the Australian books she recommends to those interested in Australia (and she makes similar forays into the literature of the other countries she treats).
Her sample bag contains Bail’s Eucalyptus, Franklin’s My Brilliant Career, Winton’s Cloudstreet, Sally Morgan’s My Place, Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda and Malouf’s Remembering Babylon—as well as films. I would be satisfied to have overseas friends approach this country guided by Popescu’s enthusiasm for its finest aspects as well as her opening up of the issues we must face, the injustice we must redress.
The Myanmar Debate: The National